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Welcome to Ashes to Phoenix

Hello and Welcome! Chances are that if you are reading this, we have many things in common....life, love, music, and perhaps even the desire to become a better person mentally, physically and/or spiritually. During the course of my life, I have experienced many traumatic things, personally, and in the lives of people that I care about. Some of these experiences were not so easy to deal with, however, even as a child, I have always found solace and healing through music. My goal is to share these wonderful healing gifts with you through music.


Annette and piano
Annette Abbondanza, the creator of "Ashes to Phoenix", currently a resident of Orlando, Florida, lived in central Pennsylvania most of her life. Previously with the group"The Legend of stone soup", she was inspired to seek out a new direction in musical expression and healing, which resulted in the creation of "Ashes to Phoenix". She is self-taught on the guitar, keyboard, and plays many other stringed instruments, but mainly considers herself a songwriter. Her goal is to reach others through the positive intention in her song writing.
Painted Raven
Painted Raven, Annette's newest project, a contemporary Native American and World music duo, featuring Annette and Holly Harris. The music is all original instrumental, featuring native flutes, acoustic guitar, keyboards, drums and ethnic percussion. Their CD is also available at CDbaby.com


The Legend of Stone Soup
The Legend of stone soup, a group also founded by Annette, devoted to promoting unity, diversity, and social awareness through music. Performed benefits for Domestic Violence Services, American Cancer Society, the Food Bank, Aids research, Anti-violence, Youth Suicide, as well as regional arts and music festivals and events. Their 11 song CD is available at CDbaby.com.


Whether you are looking to make a positive change in your life, beginning a journey towards self-healing, or are simply looking for diverse and interesting music with positive messages -
I encourage you to listen to the various samples available to you on my music link.
Its never too late to start feeling good about yourself

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